Judy Clark - Featured Member

We are so proud to recognize Judy as the RoughFit Featured Member for this month! She has made such huge strides since starting with the boot camp classes, and continues to learn and grow every day. One of our favorite moments was watching Judy and her daughter run a 5K together! We know it wasn't easy, but they were all smiles every time we saw them. By taking control over her nutrition and exercise, Judy is a sparkling example to her family and a constant reminder of what hard work and dedication can accomplish. Congratulations Judy!


I joined RoughFit boot camp in July 2013 after bidding on a free month at our school fundraiser. I had done the gym thing and the home fitness DVD’s but nothing ever seemed to stick so I thought I would give RoughFit's outdoor fitness a try. I can honestly say that I was hooked from the get go.

I have never been a runner so I was a bit anxious and nervous that I wouldn’t be able to keep up with everyone else. The personal trainers were so supportive and encouraged me to push myself. At first I could only run for a short distance and would walk until I could catch my breath. Each month I started to notice improvements and could go a little further until I was able to do the entire run.

This month I will run in my sixth 5K race and my goal for 2016 is to do a 10K and eventually a half marathon. If you had asked me to run a 5K three years ago I would have thought you were crazy! 

Being outdoors is one of the things I love about RoughFit. Breathing the fresh air and change of scenery makes working out so much more enjoyable. I typically go to the early morning class and it is a great way to start my day and I feel like I have already accomplished something by 7:00 AM!!

The trainers are my favorite part about RoughFit. They truly care about each and every members health and well-being and are an excellent source of nutritional and health information. Before I joined RoughFit I never looked at food labels or paid much attention to what I was eating. Although I still have a sweet tooth, I am a firm believer in moderation and make a conscious effort to eat healthy. The long term benefits certainly outweigh the short term cravings!

RoughFit has changed me both physically and mentally. I am in better shape than I have ever been and have so much more stamina now. We recently went to Mammoth and I skied all day long, whereas in the past, I was pretty much done after lunch. I have two young daughters (8 and 10 years old) who are very active and full of energy so it is essential that I work out to keep up with them.

I know it is such a cliché to say that working out gives you more energy but it is 100% true. If I don’t work out I start to feel sluggish and crabby. I have met a lot of nice people at RoughFit and we all share the same goal of better health and fitness.